What is motivation and how does it affect us as riders and our horses?
Motivation is the force that drives our actions, inspires us to achieve goals, and take on challenges. We’ve all experienced moments where energy and enthusiasm led us to success, as well as times when it was hard to find the will to even start. In equestrianism, motivation plays a key role for both us and our horses. But does the same thing motivate all of us? And does our motivation stay at the same level throughout the year? Does the same thing motivate everyone? Motivation is a very individual matter. For some, the driving force will be the vision of a specific goal—achieving high results in competitions. For others, it’s…
Is High-Energy Work Suitable for Every Horse?
Is High-Energy Work Suitable for Every Horse? This is a fascinating topic that was brought to my attention by someone on Instagram, and I think it’s worth exploring in greater detail. The subject of energy and its impact on horses is complex, but I hope to shed some light on it in this post and share my perspective with you. What Is Your Horse’s Preferred Energy Level? For horses, one of the most important things in life, alongside having a herd, is peace and a sense of security. To me, there’s nothing more beautiful than seeing horses sleeping peacefully in a field. It’s a sign of deep security. The…
Emotions: The Silent Partner in Horse Training
Emotions: The Silent Partner in Horse Training Emotions are an inseparable part of our lives, but when stepping into the world of horses, it’s crucial to remember the importance of managing them. Controlling emotions doesn’t mean suppressing them—this is almost impossible and can have unfavorable consequences for us. Besides, why would we want to rid ourselves of emotions when being around horses? It’s often these very feelings that draw us into their world in the first place. Emotions can be both our ally and adversary in training. Horses are incredibly adept at reading human emotions and can even interpret our facial expressions! In 2018, a study conducted by the University…
Antycypacja w treningu – pomaga, czy przeszkadza?
Czym właściwie jest antycypacja? Czy spotkaliście się z tym określeniem w odniesieniu do koni? Spójrzmy jak wygląda ogólne pojęcie antycypacji w słowniku języka polskiego pwn: Antycypacja to m.in: – zakładanie czegoś jeszcze nieistniejącego – oznaka, zapowiedź przyszłych wydarzeń – przystosowanie się organizmu do bodźców Te trzy bardzo dobrze określają zachowania koni. Tak naprawdę każdy koń antycypuje (przewiduje) różne sytuacje i reakcje, stara się wyprzedzać wydarzenia których się spodziewa ale jeszcze nie nastąpiły. Teoretycznie takie zachowanie można nazwać jego poziomem wytrenowania i doświadczeniem życiowym. Koń przewiduje pewne zachowania wewnątrz stada, w komunikacji z innymi końmi i zwierzętami, ale też obcując z człowiekiem. Czy antycypowanie jest dobre czy złe? To zależy, o…
Does Partnership Mean Letting Your Horse Walk All Over You?
Does Partnership Mean Letting Your Horse Walk All Over You? Absolutely not. It doesn’t mean that we stop training or developing our horse’s riding abilities either. Partnership does not exclude setting healthy boundaries in our relationship with a horse. Considering how horses learn, it’s our responsibility to guide their development in a way that ensures they remain safe both in handling and training. What Does Partnership Mean to Me? COLLABORATION Partnership is about walking „side by side” with your horse. It means that the horse cooperates during grooming sessions and engages both physically and mentally in training tasks. You can, of course, control a horse like a puppet, always tying…
Co zrobić, jeśli wyjście z ujeżdżalni przyciąga konia jak magnes? W stronę drzwi porusza się szybciej, często w niezbyt prawidłowym ustawieniu. Ale kiedy miniecie bramkę, nagle zwalnia, traci cały ruch do przodu, może nawet rozgląda się do tyłu. Może znasz konia, którego ciężko poprowadzić blisko ściany, jakaś magiczna siła ściąga go do środka, a on przez większość czasu biegnie z łopatką wpadającą do środka. Jazda na napiętej zewnętrznej wodzy, aby utrzymać takiego zwierzaka na ścieżce nie tylko robi spustoszenie w jego biomechanice, ale też nie jest najlepszym sposobem na rozwiązanie problemu. Dlaczego? Ponieważ nie leczy przyczyny, tylko skupia się na chwilowym skontrolowaniu objawów. Zastanów się, dlaczego koń nie chce być…
Don’t recognize your horse?
No one knows your horse quite like you do. Being open to new knowledge and advice is important, but blindly following every piece of guidance isn’t always wise. If you hear good advice from a trusted source but feel that your horse is telling you something different… take a moment to stop and assess what might be going on. Horse owners who spend a lot of time with their animals often learn to read their horse’s mood and comfort level intuitively. If you’ve built a stable, trust-based relationship with your horse and he starts behaving differently, it’s worth paying attention. This applies to both his physical and mental well-being. Sometimes…
Test for Halting – A Valuable Tool for Training Balance and Control
When working with a horse on a circle from the ground, a highly practical exercise to improve the horse’s balance and flexibility is disengaging the hindquarters to halt the horse facing the circle center. This movement, known as hindquarter disengagement, is a great way to practice “applying the brakes.” Disengagement, the opposite of engaging the hindquarters, primarily reduces forward drive. It helps improve flexibility, balance, and responsiveness to cues for lateral movements. From a behavioral perspective, this exercise enhances focus, control of energy, and emotional regulation, and it teaches the horse to respect personal space by moving its hindquarters away. This can serve as a valuable handbrake that every horse…
Wprowadzanie, czy ładowanie?
Przyczepa to jedna z najbardziej nienaturalnych rzeczy, jakie fundujemy koniom. Z ich punktu widzenia ostatnią rzeczą, jaką powinny zrobić to wchodzić samotnie do klaustrofobicznego, ciemnego, niestabilnego „pudełka”. Na nasze szczęście konie potrafią być bardzo tolerancyjne i dają się przekonać do pomysłu załadunku – choć matka natura przez miliony lat uczyła je, aby unikać takich miejsc. Myśleliście kiedyś o przyczepie w koński sposób? Jeżeli spojrzymy na to oczami konia, być może łatwiej będzie nam zrozumieć, dlaczego tak wiele z nich stawia opory przy załadunku i co się dzieje w ich głowie, kiedy zostaną załadowane siłowo. Osobiście bardzo nie lubię określenia „załadunek” a tym bardziej „ładowanie konia do przyczepy”. Kojarzą mi się…
Does a horse invading your space mean a lack of respect?
What do we actually mean when we say a horse invades a person’s space? Typically, this refers to a horse positioning itself too close to us during groundwork, approaching without invitation, or being difficult to move away. It might even bump into us with its head, shoulder, or step on our foot. Such behavior is often labeled as “disrespect,” which can lead to misunderstandings and even frustration. When we hear “Your horse doesn’t respect you; do something about it,” we might feel helpless or frustrated. Trying to gain “respect” by raising energy with uncertainty, irritation, or even anger can lead to a worsening of the problem, with the horse pressing…
Calm mounting: Setting your horse (and yourself) up for success
If your horse isn’t standing calmly for mounting, it’s telling you something. A horse’s behavior during mounting reflects much about their training, welfare, and the relationship you share. Although mounting is often treated as a separate skill, I see it as deeply connected to overall communication, trust, training approach, and even the living conditions of the horse. In my work, I focus on understanding the root of each behavior before diving into problem-solving. Horses don’t fit into templates or patterns—no two have the same history and experience, so we can’t assume the same behavior means the same thing for every horse! First, it’s important to rule out health issues. Consult…
Warning! Difficult-to-Catch Horse!
There are many reasons why some horses are reluctant to be caught or even run away at the sight of a person. Sometimes catching such a horse can take hours. People try different tricks, like cornering the horse in a smaller space, approaching with a treat bucket, hiding a lead rope, or sneaking up from behind another horse. People are naturally creative, and horses are no less inventive at dodging situations they’d rather avoid. These tricks may have worked for us once or twice, but it’s important to remember that they don’t solve the root problem. In fact, they can make a horse even more resistant to being caught. Let’s…
Safe trail riding
With spring just around the corner, we all feel drawn to leave the indoor arena and explore the great outdoors. Whether it’s a peaceful solo ride with your horse or a group adventure with friends and their mounts, summertime is the perfect season to embrace trail riding. But is it really something every rider can enjoy? Horses naturally thrive in open spaces, free from fences and buildings. They have a deep-rooted fear of confinement and are instinctively driven to roam, foraging for food and water while traveling miles each day. In the wild, they can always run to safety if they sense danger. Surrounded by their herd, they feel secure,…
Koń rży do stada
Twój koń nawołuje inne konie? Czy zdarzyło Ci się kiedyś iść ze swoim koniem na spacer, jechać w teren lub po prostu iść w miejsce, gdzie nie widzi innych koni? Możliwe, że koń zaczynał być zaniepokojony, tracił skupienie na nas, zaczynał przeraźliwie nawoływać stado. Rżenie koni może nieść za sobą wiele komunikatów, ale ten najbardziej wyraźny i zauważalny to rozłąka ze stadem. Taki problem można odrobić choć wiadomo, że im młodszy koń, tym pewne zachowania są mniej zakorzenione i utrwalone. Jeżeli Twój koń wykazuje bardzo duży strach przed odejściem od stada, uzbrój się w cierpliwość i nie oczekuj, że problem zniknie w ciągu kilku dni. Im więcej czasu przeznaczysz na…
Never Lift a Horse’s Hoof—Teach Him to Offer It to You!
When I train horses, I emphasize cooperation and mutual responsibility. When I’m about to clean their hooves, my horse is fully awake and attentive! I teach him to lift his hoof when I approach with the hoof pick, using this as a measure of his willingness to engage. If a horse suddenly becomes uncooperative in lifting his legs, I’ll take note: maybe it’s his mood, a lack of motivation for training, or even fear. My goal is to identify and address the root cause of his behavior. While a horse stands on four points of support, lifting just one of those points might seem simple enough, but in reality, it’s…